We’ve been doing it all wrong. It’s not the INHALE that’s important, it’s the EXHALE. Learn how to use your diaphragm to inhale fully and exhale deeply. Long and slow. Healing resides in the still point of the exhale.

Fascia needs the still point at the end of the exhale to heal. Maybe it’s the moment of hypoxia that allows oxygen to rush to the places that need to be set free? Your inhale is more effective and much bigger when you pause at the end of your exhale. Try it. Master it. Feel the power it brings to your body.

As fascia softens and releases, emotions are set free. Those that have been stuffed down to the tips of our toes, or hidden in our shoulders, or tucked into our lumbar region. Your body remembers and stores all of your experiences. Breath and fascial release will bring those emotions to the surface in order to be released. Permanently.

When you experience a welling up of emotion during a CannaYoga Healing session, just breathe. Slow down your exhale. Follow your breath, not the story. The story keeps you in the pain. Emotions are energy in motion, energy that has been stuck in your tissues. You have the tools to release the pain without needing to relive the story that created the pain.

These emotions signal the need for deepening your breath which releases the physical pain. More than once, I have started to cry only to begin long, slow breaths which transform into laughter. Transitions can be as graceful as a puff of air entering the back door of your heart.

For an amazing breathwork experience, I hope you can experience the work of Luke Adler, L.Ac. It’s been an important part of my healing to work with Luke as he guides a group through a deep and powerful breathwork session. Click on his link here to learn more! https://lukeadlerhealing.com/breath-work-2/

Let us guide you as you begin your unique healing journey.

Join us at CannaYoga Healing. Let the healing begin. Exhale.