Watch as Mary tells you about what to expect in the workshop.

What To Expect

In a small group setting, you will begin your workshop experience by learning about the Endocannabinoid System from Mary Derlacki, Family Nurse Practitioner, yoga teacher RYT-200 and certified Medical Cannabis Specialist.

There are three parts to the workshop:

Firstly, you will be taught about the endocannabinoid system, the power of a long exhale, and how your life stressors have influenced your current pain. Also, you will learn about fascia and why it is the body’s most important system in your quest for pain relief.

Secondly, you will have an opportunity to experience the blending of cannabinoids, breath and fascial release. Using slow, gentle movements synchronized with your exhale you will begin to feel a softening of your armour. You do not have to be experienced in yoga; this is available to all levels of practice and all types of bodies.

Lastly, you will relax in a safe, comfortable setting while you enjoy a light snack and take a moment to integrate all you have experienced.

Safely guided by caring experts, you will gain an understanding of your own natural cannabinoid system, how cannabis interacts with this system, and how you can access your own natural pain relief with breath, gentle movement and intention.

This Workshop is Not Your Typical Ganja Party

During the workshop, you will be led through a series of slow, gentle movements and breathing, which allows you to experience the deep softening and stillness that results when fascia has been released. Afterwards, you will leave with an understanding of what it feels like to experience the softening and release of old patterns of pain and trauma. 

Remember, you do not have to revisit the original trauma in order to release the stuck pattern. You simply follow your breath to the end of the exhale where the still point of healing awaits you.

Breathe. Move. Heal.

Ready to get started? Book a class.