What is fascia? I don’t understand how this connects to my chronic pain?

I’m glad you asked! Fascia is described as a living web, a net, a network, a spiderweb that lives beneath our skin. It links our bones to one another like ligaments and tendons do. It is also embedded in our bones, wrapped around our organs and lines our body from pelvis to cranium. It can be thin, thick, elastic and stiff. It is mobile, fluid and responds to your nervous system signals. Fascia is thought to store all of our emotional memories which is why this type of approach can help release stress from our tissues. Come join me and I’ll continue to teach you about this universe beneath your skin!

What type of foam roller should I use? Hard or Soft?

Use any tool that allows you to rest your full body weight on it, while remaining relaxed enough to focus on your breath. Small firm balls, such as Pinkie balls or a lacrosse ball, can bring relief to our focused area. Larger tools such as a soft foam roller or a Pilates ball can allow for extra time and attention to one area. If an area is too tender when you lay on the foam roller or ball, you can get the same benefit by standing up with the tool between you and the wall.

All this talk of releasing old trauma makes me nervous! How can I prepare myself? What if I get triggered?

I always support and respect your self-care. Realize that you are in charge of how deep you want to go in terms of connecting to any old emotional tender spots. The lovely thing about working with a plant ally like cannabis, I found, is that the experience is fully directed by you. You are always in control. I will remind you that strong emotions are your clue to lengthening your exhale. The story keeps you in pain. Your exhale is the way out of the pain.

I’m brand new to Cannabis.  Where do I start?  Will I feel high?  I’m nervous about that…Should I have someone with me?

Good questions!  It’s important to cultivate a healthy mindset prior to using cannabis and one place to start is to get educated.  

The most important thing to keep in mind is to  “start low and go slow”.   You do not need to feel high in order to achieve the benefits of cannabis.

For a beginner, ½-1 mg of THC can bring about a noticeable change in mental status without the side effects of feeling dizzy, nausea, rapid heart rate, and anxiety.  

If you have a chance, practice with a very low dose each night and slowly increase, by one drop, every day until you find your optimum dose.  For a CannaYoga Healing workshop, you want to be relaxed not stoned. 

Visit www.healerCBD.com and click on Dosage Programs to learn more. The Inner Inventory is a very useful tool to determine your optimal dose of cannabis.

How do I know what to buy?  I hear there are mail order companies that will send me my order through the mail.  Is that true?  

Currently, only CBD or Hemp can be shipped in the mail.  You must purchase THC products at a dispensary. 

What is the type, brand, dosage, etc., that I will be using?

I encourage you to purchase a brand that is produced in your local region or state.  There are a few brands I like such as WYLD and SELECT.  Both of these brands offer edibles and tinctures with high CBD and low THC for those who are new to cannabis.   A good starting place is a product with both CBD and THC. I recommend a 2:1 CBD:THC.

For those wanting CBD only, click on this link for high quality products from Dr. Dustin Sulak.https://www.HealerCBD.com/?ref=66&campaign=CannaYogaHealing

If you are brand new to cannabis, start with ½-1mg of THC in an edible or tincture.  Be sure and follow the Inner Inventory guidelines found at HealerCBD.com to keep from using too much! You are welcome to join the workshop whether you use cannabis or not. 

Do I need a foam roller? What about a yoga mat?

Yes, I recommend a yoga mat for stability as you move on the ground. I teach with a foam roller however, you can use a variety of props to create firm pressure on your fascia.  When you add intentional breath and cannabis, your fascia will begin to soften and melt as it releases toxins.

Other suggested materials might be….

Block Buddy and Block Baby  (to learn more about Block Therapy, click here), pinky ball, lacrosse ball, 6” myofascial release ball, yoga block, MELT kit (small balls, hard and soft), folding chair, bolster, pillow and blanket for relaxation.

Do you have any beginner classes?  I’m new to this.

The workshop is adaptable to all levels.  You will be in control of how deep you melt your fascia using firm pressure, long exhales and cannabis.  All positions can be modified for those desiring to sit in a chair rather than get down on their mat.

Are there any workshops less than 2 hours long? That’s a long time in front of Zoom.

I agree!  Zoom fatigue is a real concern.  The educational PowerPoint presentation will be done via screen share and I will block the video and audio of all participants. I think it’s important for each person to feel safe and comfortable as they embark on this journey.  

The total workshop time will be right around 2 hours. You may want to have a snack and bottle of water nearby! After you attend one workshop, there is an option to attend the second half, the Mat Only portion. I want you to be able to learn new skills you can do again and again in the safety of your own home.

Are you going to need to see me via Zoom or can I block my video?

I will be blocking audio AND video for the workshop.

What happens if I have to cancel?  How much notice do you need for a cancellation?  Is there a refund?

I understand plans can change at the last minute.  I am happy to refund the full amount if you cancel 24 hours or more before the workshop. After that time, you may use it as credit towards your next CannaYoga Healing workshop.