Since working with cannabis, breath and fascia, I believe this unique plant has effects on our fascia similar to the effects psychedelics have on the mind. The combination of herbal plant medicine and the crystalline energy of starlight work together in a synergistic dance to release our stored pain.

With psychedelics soon (re)entering the realm of mental health, I want to make a stand for using cannabis for releasing emotions stored in our physical body. Yes, psilocybin, LSD and mescaline can also release fascia but it’s like driving a Ferrari to the grocery store. A bit more aggressive and often unnecessary. Cannabis takes us on a slow, gentle ride and promises to land softly and gently when it’s over.

I see cannabis as psychedelics for the fascia. It is a plant from the earth that activates our endocannabinoid system which leads to balance and harmony. A gentle nudge that you can use over and over again in the comfort of your own home. In a place of warmth and safety as you release, expand and heal.

Join us at CannaYoga Healing as we experience the graceful power of cannabis, breath and fascia.