I feel the pull of change and yet at the same time I fear what might come. It’s a primal fear encoded in us to be afraid of change. It creates a new energetic frequency which alters our cells. We know something is up.

That feeling is our invitation to breathe, to exhale fully and deeply. With our exhale we send a signal of safety, security and calm to our nervous system. We have the ability to direct our inner world with our exhale. The longer your exhale, the greater sense of calm.

Change calls to us like a Siren on the rocks. Mermaids luring sailors to their death: we can’t turn away from the melody of change. If we do, we pay the price. Our soul withers and dies. We try to stay in the old vibration believing we will be safe but the only thing that happens is we become stiff, dry, cracked and frozen. We ache, we long, we desire….we become anxious and depressed.

Yet when we take the first baby steps towards our future-we freeze! We recoil and cling to the old. Finally, with courage and the deep call to heal we create momentum and begin to move forward. In doing so, we spontaneously exhale. We sigh out our fear and inhale our courage to change.

Nature is forever changing. Even in the depth of winter or the height of the summer sun, there is movement. We are part of the flow, part of that perpetual motion of the cosmos. Inhale fully, exhale deeply. The cycle continues.

The only constant in the universe is change. You have the tools to navigate the next step of your journey with your exhale.

Welcome to your life.