Cannabis 2.0

Whether you are new to cannabis or a long time user, we all have a history with weed. It came to represent the Counter Culture of the 1960’s and a time in our history when tie dye clothes, VW vans and music festivals were everywhere. It left a legacy…and some strong anti-pot messages which have stayed with us. Like many people, I was hesitant to re-kindle my relationship with this plant. I didn’t want to be stoned. Been there, done that.

Your Inner Balance

I’d like to introduce you to Cannabis 2.0, the grown-up version of dope. An amazing plant with an astounding array of uses from clothing to paper, from building homes to providing essential nutrients, from medicine to sacred ceremonies. This plant has both herbal properties as well as crystal energetics for healing. The essence of this plant is balance and cooperation. Now is a great time to release any guilt, forgive any sources of past misinformation, and step fully into the new possibilities as seen through this plant medicine.

Within the body we have many systems which work together to produce a state of health. We call that perfect state of being homeostasis. Our circulatory system, digestive system, nervous system and immune system all communicate with each other with the sole purpose of creating balance and ease. A system that functions smoothly will endure for many years with minimal intervention. Have you ever considered HOW these complex systems talk to each other? What is the common link that allows this amazing organism to walk, talk and chew gum without falling over?

The Endocannabinoid System

If you peeled away all the individual systems within the human body you would find a unifying system that communicates with each one. The only purpose of that system is balance. Homeostastis. Equilibrium. Our body has an internal system that makes cannabinoids, the chemicals which turn on this unique system. These chemical compounds are known as endocannabinoids, meaning made within our human body. The cannabis plant only works because our body already has the system needed to reap the benefits of this plant. Cannabis is useful to our bodies because we came with a pre-loaded system that seeks balance and harmony. Pretty cool, huh?

Dial Back and Chill

The endocannabinoid system performs different functions in various organs but most often it’s role is to control excessive activity. For example, if there is too much muscle tension, cannabis can help you relax. If you suffer from too much nerve excitement, cannabis can turn down the nervous system’s response. If you find yourself with too much digestive tract mobility, cannabis can help. Even when your body is being flooded with pain chemicals, your endocannabinoid system is on board ready to help you dial back and chill.

An Invitation to Equilibrium

So, join us at CannaYoga Healing for a fascinating journey in which you will learn about your endocannabinoid system and how it works. We will explore how cannabis and breath bring your fascia and your connective tissue to a place of balance and peace.

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